I recently received a commission to paint a portrait of a beloved, nearly 40 year old horse.
What an honour!
I was given "free rein" to choose which media to use and since I've been hankering to play with my new tubes of watercolour paint...
Here's a peek at the process:
I went with watercolour on a different substrate. Instead of using paper I painted this portrait on Ampersand Claybord. Absorbent, but not as much as paper, the process created some challenges - such as the previous washes lifting right off as I laid down more washes to deepen a colour. Aha! New skill to learn: start as you mean to finish! At least with colour values ;) Next time I use an Ampersand "bord" for watercolour it will be their Aquabord.
Want to commission a portrait of your horse or pet - dogs, cats, birds - please hop on over to my website: http://www.reneeforthfukumoto.com/commission-a-pet-portrait OR email me at Renee@ReneeForthFukumoto.com
What an honour!
I was given "free rein" to choose which media to use and since I've been hankering to play with my new tubes of watercolour paint...
Here's a peek at the process:
I went with watercolour on a different substrate. Instead of using paper I painted this portrait on Ampersand Claybord. Absorbent, but not as much as paper, the process created some challenges - such as the previous washes lifting right off as I laid down more washes to deepen a colour. Aha! New skill to learn: start as you mean to finish! At least with colour values ;) Next time I use an Ampersand "bord" for watercolour it will be their Aquabord.
Want to commission a portrait of your horse or pet - dogs, cats, birds - please hop on over to my website: http://www.reneeforthfukumoto.com/commission-a-pet-portrait OR email me at Renee@ReneeForthFukumoto.com
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