Christmas Pet Portrait Ornaments

On a lark I decided to paint a portrait of a golden retriever on this small ceramic Christmas ornament.  I had not really been open to doing many commissions this year, as I had been painting furiously for a show in mid November, and was dealing with a bit of burnout.

Then I showed this little guy on my Facebook page and suddenly had requests. Well, they're small, so I figured it could be done, along with a couple of other painting commissions I had to work on. 

Of course, these small ceramic ornaments were no longer available so I had to source an alternative. Thankfully I found some small wooden ones which work great, though they are a bit larger than the ceramic one shown. 

I'm still working my way through but may have a couple more to show as they're less of a surprise gift and more of a "from me to us" gift a lovely client has honoured me with providing for her.

It's December already! The madness that is commissioned work on a tight deadline remains paramount.

Then comes the madness of preparing the house to be filled with family! Yay!

(I should add that I'm not taking on any more commissions for Christmas 2017. Look for the commission window to open next year though! It's never to early to plan for something as special and personal as this!)

Hand painted pet portrait Christmas ornament 
