Playing At The Canvas

The new year is upon us!

We've rung the bells and lit the candles.

Now that the furor of celebration and rest has passed it's time to dig in to the new year. A new adventure awaits.

It begs the question - or rather questions - of where to start and where am I going?  How shall I present myself to the canvas? How shall I present myself to the world?

I confess, I am tired. It's difficult to feel creative when you're tired. Yet, somehow, the involvement with paint and canvas is refreshing to the mind and heart, if not to the body.

It's time to begin.

Where do you begin, after a break?

I miss my plein air painting adventures with my Artist friends! I can't wait for spring, to get out and paint again in such good company.

In fact I'm looking forward to my holiday in the warm and sunny south to throw some paint around, while enjoying the out of doors!

~ Renée 
