Christmas Commissions

2017 is the first year I've taken more than one or two commissions.

I learned, again, that I must cut them off in early November. Painting commissions into the week of Christmas is stressful and silly of me. When will I learn?! Ah well, at least from what I've heard so far, they have all been very well received. Even a tear or two, which is high praise indeed.

Below are just a few of the commissioned portrait ornaments:


The miniature portrait Christmas ornaments seemed to go over well. I learned that painting on a surface I need to resurface and prepare for more than ten minutes is not desirable in the least. In fact, if I can't find plain porcelain ornaments to paint on in a "watercolour" style, I won't offer them again.

I also learned that my fibro seriously affects how fast I can work, needing rest breaks often.

I truly enjoyed painting the watercolour and acrylic commissions. Such different styles, one with a
big watercolour brush and the other with palette knife. Both flowed easily and happily. I look forward to doing more of them!

Now for a few days of rest, restoration and hopefully much barn time with my my own horse. Time to regroup and determine my next series of paintings. Landscapes? Figurative? Horses? So many options, so little time!

See you in 2018!

~ Renée
